Most of our days have been turned upside down either by working too much, working too little, working from home, working with kids in the house, or just not finding toilet paper at the grocery store!!! (yes, I am still on the toilet paper thing!)
Our world is struggling, and right now, we are all feeling that struggle. I find it in just the little things. So, after a few days, I was scrolling through my Instagram, ignoring everything I was supposed to do . . . like wash my hair and take my vitamins. I stopped to listen to my friend Mark Fisher’s speak on Instagram. He was saying how it is important to have a daily health habit list. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "I need this!"
This is not a time to take on great challenges. This is a time to try to remain calm and focused and to be forgiving with ourselves. This list is YOURS! You choose what to put on it or not to put on it. If you get to everything on the list--great! If you don’t, it’s ok. I have shared with you my list. It might change next week. It’s yours to keep you focused on staying well.
Checking things off a list makes us feel accomplished--well, I know it makes me feel that way. I am just sharing with you the things that are helping me get through my days feeling better! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!
